Genos Certified Emotional Intelligence Programme
Training Description
Are you a Coach, Consultant, Trainer, HR Consultant, HR Leader, HR Business Partner or Talent Manager?
The Genos Certified Emotional Intelligence Programme is here to enhance your credentials & credibility by making you an expert in applying El.
- Managing change effectively through positive engagements
- Increasing employee engagement & loyalty, while making teams much more effective
- Managing work-forces that cover multiple generations more effectively
- Free assessment to sell to your first client & a webinar/ seminar package
- Free life-time membership to Genos University: 24/7 access to video training & instant access to our member only portal
- Fast start mentoring program: Weekly videos by email to guide you through the E.l. business step by step
$ 1500
Investment, Incl. VAT
International Coach Federation
Earn 10 Core Competency Hours | Earn 4 Resource Development Hours
Berg Devien
Candidates can look forward to regular client contact, a role in business development.